Avoid the scams

Identifying scams is trickier since messages appear to be coming from people you know and trust. So how do you spot a scam on Facebook? Let’s begin with a bit of context.
Online scams are moving targets. In the beginning, the obvious scams were email attachments from people you didn’t know. Then it was “Security alerts” from banks or credit cards. In this days it can also be a status update from a Friend asking you to watch a new video or visit an “awesome” website.
Conventional Scammers
Scammers hit Facebook for the same reason they target the rest of the Internet. They want access to your information, or your computer, or the money in your pocket. And sometimes they want to trick you into downloading malicious software to your computer. (rat or keylogger). The trick is to recognize the phishers, account thieves, and malware pushers.
Phishers steal personal information, often the data needed for identity. Phisher is an attempt to trick users into revealing personal information or financial data. You’ve already seen phishing scams in your email. On Facebook, phishers can try to scam you from multiple places—in status postings on your profile, in Facebook messages, and in Facebook chat. They can even send you regular email pretending to be Facebook or a popular App(Texas hold'em per ex.).
Account thieves try to trick you into logging into a fake Facebook screen in order to steal your Facebook login and password. This is why you should always check the address in your browser bar to make sure you are on Facebook and not some other unrelated site. ( per ex. www.facebook.facebook.com, www.facebook.007.com or some better www.Facbook.com , www.Facebok.com etc.)

They might want to sell your information, or to scam your Friends. People are far more likely to fall for a scam when it comes from someone they trust, like a Friend.
Malware pushers want to install destructive software on your computer. That malicious software, or malware , is designed to harm your computer or steal personal information. That malware might do a number of nasty things. It could
install spyware to log your keystrokes and collect financial account numbers and passwords. Or even lock up your computer unless you pay a ransom. How do malware pushers target Facebook users? You’ll be presented with an offer to download and install new software on your computer. It might be a new game, a digital photo organizer, a digital music player, or any other useful piece of software. Before you download any “free” software, always ask yourself who made it and why it might be free. If it feels a bit dicey, don’t download it and always be sure to update your antivirus!