Airtel VPN Trick for Free 3G / GPRS Trick August 2012
Hello Frnz..Here is Unbeatable trick for airtel 3g users,this is my favorite vpn trick because giving better download speed then othrs and most important is no disconnection problem.This trick is working with airtegprs setting, So its possible that this trick will work in many states.This Trick is not created by ne but i have tested it and worked best so far. I will advice that whoever have not used vpn trick so far should try this very carefully.....Enjoy and rply about it TY.
1. Go and register at
2. Check your mail box for your Username and Password .
3. Download and Install OvpenVpn
4. Download my Config Files from
No password needed to Download.
5. Paste config files into c:\\Program files\Openvpn\config
6. Edit "real-vpn.auth" which i given in "config files" with notepad and paste your username and passowrd which u got in email !!
7. Now start open Vpn and Enjoy !!!
Try at low balance
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